Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Fevah

I've been wanting to see the 4 X 100 men's relay on youtube and finally I had time to do it.Man!! That was awesome, absolutely amazing! I was really rooting for the American team because, I felt like they were the team with more heart. That last stretch at the finish line was truly classic, the heart and the will to win made all the difference I think.

If you haven't seen it, watch the video below

Monday, August 4, 2008

When I grow up

I have been "bingeing" on warrior/epic movies for the past two weeks and I love it. The only thing I have to see again is "The Last of the Mohicans" which in my book is the first real action/warrior movie. Just the opening scene alone gives me goosebumps. I've always been a sucker for these sort of movies. Blame it on my dad whow would make us watch army soaps like "Nam tour of duty" when we were but children. But why do I still like it as an adult? It's a combination of many things 1.) Hot alpha male hero 2.) fantasmic fighting skills 3.) cheesy dialogue which I can relate to 4.) strong heroine who would fight side by side with her man.

My favorite heroine would be the Queen of Sparta in 300. She's fierce! Second would be Madeleine Stowe in The Last of the Mohicans. Ah..I'll never forget that exhange between her and DDL.."What are you looking at Sir?" "I'm looking at you miss." Confidence will never be out of style, and a man should have that in ample quantity.

Aside from the obvious, I think I have been watching these movies because they speak to me on a different level about how one should look at life. What does it mean to grow old til you're 80 when you have not truly lived? or have remained nameless to the world? In one scene a boy says to Achilles.."The Thessalonian you're fighting, he is the biggest man I've ever seen, I wouldnt want to fight him." and Achilles answers "That's why no one will remember your name." In Gladiator, Maximus shouts out before battle "What we do in life, echoes into eternity." Even listening to PCD's song "When I grow up" there's a line that says "So go ahead and say what you wanna say, You know what it's like to be nameless, Want them to know what your name is."

Can anything be more scary than being nameless and forgotten? of not having done something for the world? I think not. Do it. Whatever it is. Regret is a bitch.