Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You know how the question, "what do you really want?" always manages to stump anyone? Not me. Not now. There is something that I really, really want right now and I am putting all my energy and thoughts into making it happen. I totally believe that if your whole being is focused on that one thing that you want, the universe will conspire to give it to you. Just ask Oprah. hehe.

I've been thinking back and there have been many times in my life when, if I really needed or wanted something, I usually got it. The sequence of events always go my way. It wasn't always easy, but if my heart was in it, the results were always positive. There were times when I thought I worked to get something and absolutely wanted it, but clarity comes and I realize that it was neither meant for me nor what I really wanted to begin with. The world works in strange ways.

Bottom line, there is something I want so much that it's as if I already have it. It's that real to me. I can taste it, feel it, and see it. I want it. I want it. It's mine.

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