Tuesday, June 10, 2008


What a great long weekend. No, I didn't really do anything special but it was still a great time to relax and enjoy my time alone or with the folks. I think I was online for most of the weekend just listening to music, surfing, and downloading stuff. I had time to catch up on my reading and discovered some cool sites. I think the only time I left the house was for the gym. It's hard to think about the outside world when you're so engrossed in the cyber world. haha.

Ok, so it's no secret, to my friends atleast, that I love anything oriental. Food, music, movies, fashion..and, er..the men too. Funny but when I got back from Italy, everyone immediately assumed I hooked up with an Italiano. The thing is, I never really had the hots for westerners. It's just a preference thing. The only white man who's ever given me chills just with a look (from the silver screen) is Brad Pitt. I have loved that man since I was...hmmm...12 or 13. I even sent him a cassette tape (ancient times) of my favorite love songs and a card. Good times.

So there, I have always been more inclined towards the oriental male. Ok, maybe not always, I did have my Edward Furlong, Backstreet boys phase. Omigosh wait! There is another man not from the asian culture whom I absolutely adore. I LURVE Simon Webbe from the defunct boy band BLUE. I can't believe they wen't here a couple of times and I didn't even get to see him. I "discovered" him two years ago in his music video for the song "After all this time." My eyes were just glued to him the entire time! He is just oozing with that thing called sex appeal. And all he did was walk around London! Ladies, check out that video, pronto.

Ok, going back to my fascination with all things orientalia. I love this Korean singer Lee Seung Chul. He has a soothing and heartfelt way of singing, so even if I don't understand the lyrics, just listening is enough. I particularly like his song "So ri cho" which means "shout" or say it out loud. Something like that. The theme of the video is pretty strange, but the last few minutes of it is so wistful and sad that you kinda forget the weird situation the characters are in. Anyway, I've posted the video so you can check it out for yourself.

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