Monday, June 14, 2010

Universe willing..

I lost the post I was writing so maybe the universe was telling me it was crap. Anyway, major issue # 1: Impending birthday which I would like to sleep through if possible and wake up the next morning 25 again. Major issue # 2#: What is up with all the unsolicited relationship advice? The problem seems to be that I am not in one. Thus, giving people license to dispense advice. Major issue # 3: Figuring out what I must engage in AW ( After Work). You see, I have lots of interests, I am fascinated by the philosophies of yoga and kabbalah, I love foreign films, and I have taken to eating very healthy food lately. How I am supposed to condense all my interests into one unifying activity is beyond me.Major issue # 4: I really must stop checking work emails from home. This webmail stuff is totally throwing me off course.

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